The University of Western Macedonia operates with 7 Schools and 22 Departments, which are located in 5 cities of the Region of Western Macedonia. For more information visit the website:
The Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) was founded in 2008 and its main aim is to contribute to the openness and especially at the promotion and development of Open Standards, the Open Software, the Open Content, the Open Data and the Technologies of Open Architecture in the area of education, the public field, the business and of the Social Economy.
The Regional Directorate of Education of Western Macedonia exerts the governance, the control and the custodianship at all the decentralized services of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and especially at the Managements of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Macedonia, at the Regional Center for Educational Design of Western Macedonia, at the Educational and Counseling Support Centers of Western Macedonia and at the Environmental Education Centers of Western Macedonia. It holds the responsibility of the regional services of education with the respective central services and the planning, evaluation and research tools of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, it collaborates with the other regional services of the state and the Local Government Organizations (Ο.Τ.Α.) and proposes for any subject that has to do with education in a regional level.